Category: Troubleshooting


I already have a Raspberry Pi with a CAN interface, can I use that? Not right now, only the Arduino hardware specified is currently supported. There are no immediate plans to port to the RPi, however we may pursue that option when time permits. Will this work on my PowerStroke – Duramax – Dodge Cummins Truck? The short answer is NO! The 1.5, 1 and 3/4 ton Pick-Up trucks all use DEF. However the ECMLearn More

Windows Defender

Windows Defender and Software Installation: Windows Defender is found on many Windows 10 computers along with other 3RD party anti-virus software.  When running “DEF Emulator Install Files (x32).exe” to install the Arduino programming files, Windows Defender (or other anti-virus program) will probably “complain”.   This is because the .exe program is an unrecognized .application.  Do not be alarmed. Windows Defender will show: Click on “More info” to continue the install process.  Another window will open askingLearn More

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