Author: JWP

DEF Sensor Simulator – Quick Build

Page last updated May 30, 2022 Since the original DSS solution published in September of 2021, the team has been busy looking at alternative hardware and software options. This page has a brief description and links to the build instructions for all the variants developed to date. The solution in the Recommended section has been deemed by the team to be the most viable current option considering factors such as price, size, parts availability, easeLearn More


Windows Defender – if you try to download the DEF Simulator software and you get a message saying “this file could harm your device” the video below shows the steps to download it anyway. This file will NOT harm your device, it is just unknown to Microsoft at this time.


I already have a Raspberry Pi with a CAN interface, can I use that? Not right now, only the Arduino hardware specified is currently supported. There are no immediate plans to port to the RPi, however we may pursue that option when time permits. Will this work on my PowerStroke – Duramax – Dodge Cummins Truck? The short answer is NO! The 1.5, 1 and 3/4 ton Pick-Up trucks all use DEF. However the ECMLearn More

Cummins Engine Lamp Identification Guide

Cummins Engine Compatibility

IMPORTANT INFORMATION BEFORE YOU BEGIN Check your ECM The Simulator has only been tested and shown to work on a handful of Cummins engines using Cummins CM2350 ECMs. Before you begin building your own Simulator we recommend that you ascertain what model ECM you have. As a general guideline the Simulator should work on all Cummins engines designated as EPA 13 and/or EPA 17. We believe that includes all engines produced since 2016. (Note: editedLearn More

DEF Sensor Simulator

Background: DEF systems in modern diesel engines are key to reducing Nitrous Oxide (NOx) emissions  and protecting the environment.   The DEF system is a combination of software, hardware and DEF fluid that enable this important task.  Recently there has been a pandemic of failures affecting one of the elements of the DEF system called the DEF sensor.  The origins of this “DEF pandemic” are not  known for certain but the failures may be related toLearn More

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